Company Overview
Sunshine Holdings Limited, also referred to as SHL, is a Bahamian holding company based in Nassau, The Bahamas. It was founded by a group of friends, some of whom in their individual capacity were successful entrepreneurs in 1973, the year of the country’s Independence.
Since then, SHL has grown to become a nationally recognized blue-chip enterprise with a solid track record of robust and resilient profitability demonstrating ongoing prudent and sound financial risk management.

Strength through diversity is at the core of SHL’s foundation.
Over the years, SHL has strategically diversified its investment holdings in key industries which are central to general economic development – energy, real estate, insurance and finance. Collectively, investments in these key industries provide a high degree of economic counter-balance, a vital component to SHL’s financial resilience and overall success.
This success is best demonstrated in the favorable comparison of its consolidated total equity to virtually any non-banking entity listed on the Bahamas International Stock Exchange (BISX).
While maintaining impressive profitability throughout the protracted recession and ensuing period of low economic growth, SHL has had a solid reputation as an industry leader in affordable housing, through its Arawak Homes Limited (AHL) vehicle and in energy, through the Freeport Oil Company Limited (FOCOL).
SHL’s reputation is further strengthened by its associations with best-of-breed global-leading entities like Marsh in insurance (associated with Sunshine Insurance, Agents & Brokers Limited), Shell in energy (FOCOL), and Ascendancy of Mexico, in addition to the Finance Corporation of the World Bank (collectively associated with Sunshine Finance Limited).
Commensurate with its success, SHL is widely known for its philanthropy. Its commitment to society was recognized by the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, which conferred the Economic Impact Award on the company.
SHL has been honored by educators throughout the country for assisting in securing more than $1.5 million in scholarships from Elmira University in New York. SHL has also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid in the breast cancer fight through its award-winning and internationally recognized, Sunshine Insurance Marathon Bahamas (SIMB) and Susan G. Komen Bahamas Race for the Cure® events.